TAME: Training Against Medical Error

The overall objective of the TAME project is to introduce innovative pedagogy methods that will provide training for students against medical error (TAME). TAME will innovate curricula towards teaching and learning in safe environment and closer to the needs of the real practice, where medical errors occur. With achievement of TAME’s objectives, a great need for the changes in the national healthcare systems will be fulfilled. The training methodologies will be improved, in order to minimise morbidity and mortality resulting from medical errors. Thus, healthcare costs will decrease, the quality of therapy will increase and the public trust in physicians and medicine will be enhanced. TAME’s view is multidimensional. The training has plenty of educational features and we will organize them into 3 fundamental dimensions: (i) teaching methods, (ii) means of curriculum delivery, (iii) learning outcomes.

We will use the experience gained from our preliminary studies as well as from literature, which indicate that discipline-specific aspects have to be considered during teaching against medical errors. The multidimensional approach can be used also after TAME’s period in restructuring campus-based teaching towards closer relevance to clinical practice and with patient safety central to undergraduate medical education. The resulting innovated medical curricula will be consistent with the efforts of the accreditation councils for graduate medical education as well as of the national expert medical associations. Medical schools play key roles in resolving all barriers that may hinder transparency and full disclosure of medical errors. Training against medical errors will serve as the basis for enhancing patient-doctor relationships, limiting further harm and improving overall healthcare safety.



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TAME in numbers

  • 10 consortium members
  • 7 countries
  • 36 months

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